Algebra level symbolic math

  • Song celebrates Bayesian inference, includes verbal form of Bayes theorem. The lyrics were written by David Blackwell, University of California at Berkeley. May be sung to the tune of "Who (Stole My Heart Away)?" (Jerome Kern).  The audio was produced by Nicolas Acedo with vocals by Abeni Merriweather, both students in the Commercial Music Program at The University of Texas at El Paso.

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  • This test checks whether an observed distribution differs from an expected distribution. It computes the chi-square statistic, degrees of freedom (DoF), and p-value. Users input a table with row and column labels, observed frequencies on the first row, and expected frequencies on the second row. The null hypothesis is that the observed values have the expected frequency distribution.

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  • This calculator computes the chi-square statistic, degrees of freedom (DoF), and p-value for the Chi-square test for equality of distributions. Users input a table of values with row and column labels without total scores. The null hypothesis is that the all the samples have the same distribution.

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  • This pdf document contains 7 pages of random number tables and 1 page of instructions for use.
    Average: 1 (1 vote)
  • This random number service allows users to generate up to 10,000 random integers with duplicates, randomized sequences without duplicates, or up to 16 kilobytes of raw random bytes. Users can also flip virtual coins and generate random bitmaps. Key word: Random Number Generator.

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  • This online textbook covers the following probability and statistics topics: Independence; Venn Diagrams; Bayes's Theorem; Counting; Binomial Expansion; Binomial Distribution; Continuous Distributions; Infinitesimals in Probability; Averaging; Variance; Gaussian Distribution; Random Walks; Correlation; Causation; Linear Regression; Unbiased Estimators; Hypothesis Testing; Shape of the Distribution; Variance of Mean Differences.
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  • This page explains simple linear regression with an example on muscle strength versus lean body mass.
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  • This lesson introduces simple linear regression with several Excel spreadsheet examples such as temperature versus cricket chirps, height versus shoe size, and laziness versus amount of TV watched. These activities require class participation.
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  • This online calculator allows users to enter 16 observations with up to 4 dependent variables and calculates the regression equation, the fitted values, R-Squared, the F-Statistic, mean, variance, first order serial-correlation, second order serial-correlation, the Durbin-Watson statistic, and the mean absolute errors. It also tests normality and gives the i-th residuals.

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  • This page contains applets and data files that supplement the text "Investigating Statistical Concepts, Applications, And Methods." The applets and files are organized according to chapter; each data file is available in Minitab or text format.
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