Algebra level symbolic math

  • This is a chapter on data wrangling excerpted from a book on data science. The book is “Modern Data Science with R,” and the authors are Benjamin J. Baumer, Daniel T. Kaplan, and Nicholas J. Horton. It contains the R code needed to do basic things with data such as sorting, arranging, and summarizing data.

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  • This is a chapter on ethics excerpted from a book on data science. The book is “Modern Data Science with R,” and the authors are Benjamin J. Baumer, Daniel T. Kaplan, and Nicholas J. Horton. The chapter presents several ethical dilemmas, then a framework to use when evaluating ethical issues. Then it discusses the dilemmas again, now resolving them.

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  • This site is a lesson on using SQL. It starts with a simple SELECT query. The user must type in the correct command to select certain columns from a database. Once the user has completed the first lesson, then he or she may continue to more complicated lessons.

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  • This site is a government-run repository of information on current and completed clinical trials. Users can search for clinical trials by disease type and also by whether the trial is currently recruiting. Then a detailed description of the trial is given. This can be used in a classroom setting to discuss design issues and ethical issues with clinical trials.

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  • This website is a summary of a randomized controlled trial of a metropolitan police department's body-worn camera program. It is useful in class to talk about the design of the experiment and also to talk about how they state their results. Their results are given as confidence intervals for differences.

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  • "This page contains data sets provided by UCLA faculty members in the Social Sciences, OBEE, and Economics departments. The purpose of the page is to provide vivid, real-life examples of how raw data is analyzed using computer programs such as STATA for introductory statistics classes such as Stat 11, Stat 12 and Stat 13." The format of the data is .dta.
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  • This collection of data can be used for many useful statistical analyses. Data and description are in a separate file and useful for SAS data analysis too. Data are categorized by analysis type, hence easy to pic relevant data sets accordingly. The data can be used for many analysis such as, Categorical data analysis, Polynomial Linear, Nonlinear, Logistic, Poisson, Negative Binomial Regression analysis, Response Surface Regression, Binary Response Regression, Time Series Data,1-Way ANOVA/ Independent Samples t-test, Multi-Factor ANOVA, and many other data analysis.
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  • Data sets were submitted by the authors of articles in JSE. Each data set is presented along with a link to the article that references the data.
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  • "The purpose of this electronic service is to provide access to a collection of datasets suitable for teaching statistics. The datasets are stored either locally or on other computers throughout the world. The datasets have been organized by statistical technique to make it easier for you to find a dataset appropriate for your pedagogical needs. When a dataset is appropriate for several statistical techniques, it will appear under several categories. Each dataset consists of three files: one is a description of the data; the others are an ascii (text) file of the data and an Excel file of the data."
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  • Many data sets useful for modeling bivariate relationships. The data sets are formatted for use in Fathom, but text versions are also available.
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