Teaching Methods

  • This article discusses teaching causality without being discipline specific. It explains the causal differences between description, prediction and explanation.
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  • This survey assesses statistical literacy. The survey focuses on the general use of informal statistics in everyday situations: reading and interpreting tables and graphs involving rates and percentages.
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  • This lesson is based on Lawrence Lesser's article that describes the set-up of the spreadsheet simulation and Cindia Stewart's lesson that seeks to answer the Birthday Problem using three different methods. Probability topics include: Sample Size, Law of Large Numbers, Complementary Probabilities, Independence of Events
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  • This probability activity discusses the differences among various kinds of studies and which types of inferences can legitimately be drawn from each, as well as how sample statistics reflect the values of population parameters and use sampling distributions as the basis for informal inference. The procedure and assessment are provided.
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  • This activity discusses probability topics, such as: sample space, independent events, Law of Large Numbers, deviation percentage. A Excel program is required for this activity, which can be reached via the website.
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  • This activity uses a computer program to explore probability concepts such as sample space, independent events, law of large numbers, and reliability. An outline of the activity and the computer program are provided.
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  • This activity uses Microsoft Excel for a simulation of probability concepts. The Excel file and handouts are provided. Students will explore the concept of independent events, sample spaces, equally likely probabilities, and percentages within the context of this simulation.
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  • This site provides the contents of the online book "The Assessment Challenge in Statistics Education".
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  • The Decision Bonsai are a hybrid of concept maps and decision trees. They were originally developed to give introductory statistics students a map to inference procedures but have evolved to be used for other topics. The tree is 'grown' during the semester so that students build a picture of the relationships in their mind. Recent work is moving toward the development of more complete concept maps for introductory statistics, statistical quality methods and probability and stochastic processes courses. These Decision Bonsai would be then pointed to at appropriate points in the concept maps.
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  • This page calculates either sample size or power for a one sample binomial problem. Users choose between a one-sided and two-sided test and specify the null and alternative hypothesized proportions. The calculator also gives the critical value.

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