
  • This short article discusses how the comparative ratios of the tails of normal distributions can result in bias in hiring practices. It contains a link to an applet that shows the comparative tail probability ratios.
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  • PSPP is a statistical analysis program. It is an upwardly compatible replacement of the proprietary statistical analysis program called SPSS. PSPP is a program for statistical analysis of sampled data. It interprets commands in the SPSS language and produces tabular output in ASCII, HTML, or PostScript format.

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  • The Pew Research Center For The People & The Press data archive page contains links to downloadable versions of the Center's survey data which are currently available on the web. Survey data are released six months after the reports are issued and are posted on the web as quickly as possible.
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  • JFreeReport is a free Java report library. It has the following features: full on-screen print preview; data obtained via Swing's TableModel interface (making it easy to print data directly from your application); XML-based report definitions; output to the screen, printer or various export formats (PDF, HTML, CSV, Excel, plain text); support for servlets (uses the JFreeReport extensions) complete source code included (subject to the GNU Lesser General Public Licence); extensive source code documentation.

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  • This site is a collection of data that contains the results of the Olympic track and field events. It contains the times not only of the winners, but of all the contestants.
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  • A mathematical word processor that includes an easy-to-use computer algebra system (MuPad). Products include Scientific Wokplace, Scientific Word, Scientific Notebook, and MuPad Pro. Student version are available.

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  • This web page contains concise historical information from the Census Bureau in either pdf or Excel format.
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  • This page from the Bureau of Justice Statistics contains links to statistics about the criminal justice system. Some topics include: crime & victims; law enforcement; courts and sentencing; and expenditure & employment.
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  • This is an article which contains background information as well as 14 tables for the hate crime statistics in 2000. The document is divided into methodology, hate crime statistics, and jurisdictional hate crime statistics. The file is in Adobe Acrobat format.
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  • This short article gives a basic outline of Bloom's Taxonomy and writing learning objectives. It includes a brief description of what types of verbs to use in writing learning objectives and links these verbs to the levels of Bloom's Taxonomy.
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