This calculator determines the level of significance for the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney U-statistic. Users can enter N1, N2, and U or simply enter the raw data.
This test checks whether an observed distribution differs from an expected distribution. It computes the chi-square statistic, degrees of freedom (DoF), and p-value. Users input a table with row and column labels, observed frequencies on the first row, and expected frequencies on the second row. The null hypothesis is that the observed values have the expected frequency distribution.
This calculator computes the chi-square statistic, degrees of freedom (DoF), and p-value for the Chi-square test for equality of distributions. Users input a table of values with row and column labels without total scores. The null hypothesis is that the all the samples have the same distribution.
This random number service allows users to generate up to 10,000 random integers with duplicates, randomized sequences without duplicates, or up to 16 kilobytes of raw random bytes. Users can also flip virtual coins and generate random bitmaps. Key word: Random Number Generator.