
  • This interactive tutorial on Exponential Smoothing helps learners understand the use of exponential smoothing, define exponential smoothing, cite the merits and demerits of exponential smoothing, and solve exercise problems using exponential smoothing.
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  • This interactive module helps students to understand the definition of and uses for clustering algorithms. Students will learn to categorize the types of clustering algorithms, to use the minimal spanning tree and the k-means clustering algorithm, and to solve exercise problems using clustering algorithms.
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  • This module is a short quiz which gives a review/assessment of the main concepts for this refresher course. At the bottom, there is a grading button to rate the understanding of the material.
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  • The Data Library contains lists of ongoing data-sharing projects, downloadable data sets in Excel spreadsheet format, and other sources of data found on the web.
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  • These tutorials on probability cover basic probability, random variables, expectations, and distributions with interactive assessment at the end of each tutorial.
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  • Stattucino is a free Java-based system for data analysis. This service is available as a Java applet or application. Some statistics are provided by a web-based interface as servlets. The applet and the application have a spreadsheet type interface for entering data, whereas the servlets use a html form for entering data. The output produced by the servlets, the applet and the application are in html.
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  • This outline, appropriate for an introductory statistics course, describes steps in a statistical study including identifying the question, designing a study, collecting data, analyzing data and making conclusions.
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  • This online textbook provides information on the statistical analysis of nutritional data. Techniques covered include data cleaning, descriptive statistics, histograms, graphics, scatterplots, outlier identification, regression and correlation, confounding, and interactions. Each chapter includes exercises with real data and self-tests to be used with SPSS.
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  • This online, interactive lesson on the Poisson process provides examples, exercises, and applets. Specific topics include the exponential distribution, gamma distribution, Poisson distribution, splitting a Poisson process, analogy with Bernoulli trials, and higher dimensional Poisson processes.
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  • This free online video program uses historical anecdotes and contemporary applications to introduce the series which "explores the vital links between statistics and our everyday world. The program also covers the evolution of the discipline."
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