Building Blocks

  • A "12 page" tutorial that explores the liner models via excel spreadsheets. The learning module leads the user through various aspects of linear modeling. This tutorial includes a worksheet that allows students to vary the scatter (or noise) level, by adjusting the scroll bar or by clicking on the arrows, to see how the slope and intercept of line respond to the addition of scatter to the data, while monitoring the value of r^2.

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  • This applet allows the user to simulate a race where the results are based on the roll of a die. For each outcome of the die, the user chooses which player moves forward. Then that car moves forward the given number of spaces. Users can experiment with the race by determining which player will win more often based on the rules that they specify.

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  • This general, introductory tutorial on mathematical modeling (in pdf format) is intended to provide an introduction to the correct analysis of data. It addresses, in an elementary way, those ideas that are important to the effort of distinguishing information from error. This distinction constitutes the central theme of the material described herein. Both deterministic modeling (univariate regression) as well as the (stochastic) modeling of random variables are considered, with emphasis on the latter. No attempt is made to cover every topic of relevance. Instead, attention is focussed on elucidating and illustrating core concepts as they apply to empirical data.

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  • EXCITE is a collection of teaching materials developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to introduce students to public health and epidemiology. Students will learn about the scientific method of inquiry, basic biostatistics, and outbreak investigation. EXCITE adapts readily to team teaching across a variety of subjects, including mathematics, social studies, history, and physical education.

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  • As taken from the web site: "STATGRAPHICS Centurion is designed for anyone who wishes to do serious data analysis without investing weeks learning how to use a statistical package. It contains over 150 statistical procedures, covering everything from summary statistics to design of experiments. Yet you don't need to be a statistician to use the program. Everything is completely menu-driven, and there are tools such as the StatWizard and StatAdvisor to help you use the program most effectively." This program is available in three editions:Standard, Professional, and Enterprise.

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  • JCommon is a collection of useful classes used by JFreeChart, JFreeReport and other projects. The library includes: text utilities, user interface classes for displaying information about applications, custom layout managers, a date chooser panel, serialization utilities, and XML parser support classes.

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  • JFreeDesigner is a graphical report definition designer for JFreeReport. It allows the user to edit the xml source code of a report and to use a graphical WYSIWYG-editor to define the layout of the elements. This designer is currently in the early alpha state. At the moment most of the more advanced functionality is missing, but the current state allows you to edit the elements of a report.

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  • JOpenChart is a free Java Toolkit and library for embedding charts into different kinds of applications, no matter if they are server side, desktop or web applications.

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  • jCharts is a 100% Java based charting utility that outputs a variety of charts. This package has been designed from the ground up by volunteers for displaying charts via Servlets, JSP's, and Swing apps.

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  • JChart2D is a minimalistic charting library published under the OSI approved GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. It is designed for displaying multiple traces consisting of tracepoints. JChart2D is centered around a single configurable swing widget: the Chart2D. It is a JComponent that one can add to a java swing user interface. Therefore basic knowledge of java awt and swing and the information provided on this site is helpful. JChart2D is intended for engineering tasks and not for presentations. It's specialty is run time - dynamic precise display of data with a minimal configuration overhead.

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