This article from the September 2009 issue of AMSTAT News features Dr. Robert Starbuck telling the story of his journey to become a statistician.
This article from the September 2009 issue of AMSTAT News features Dr. Robert Starbuck telling the story of his journey to become a statistician.
Many great resources are provided here for those seeking more information about a career in statistics.
For anyone who wants to know more about what an actuary does or how to become an actuary (including a comprehensive list of colleges with actuarial programs), this is an excellent resource.
May 8, 2007 webinar resented by Bill Notz, The Ohio State University, and hosed by Jackie Miller, The Ohio State University. In this webinar Bill Notz, the Editor of the Journal of Statistics Education (JSE), discusses all aspects of the journal. He outlines the mission and history of the JSE, describes the various departments of the journal, explains what you can find at the journal's web site, indicates the types of manuscripts the journal seeks to publish, and mentions possible future directions.