
  • This paper presents the results from a large, randomized, controlled experiment conducted in the introductory statistics course at Brigham Young University. The purpose of the study was to assess the impact of multimedia lectures on student learning and attitudes. A randomized complete block design was implemented to evaluate the treatment that had two levels: multimedia versus overhead transparencies. Data was collected over four semesters on 5,603 students. Several student characteristics were measured and controlled for in the analyses. Our findings indicate that the multimedia lectures did not improve student learning or attitudes compared to the control group. However, our research also indicates that large, randomized, controlled experiments can be implemented in educational research. We advocate their use as the standard method of evaluation for educational innovations.

  • This paper will discuss the methodological aspect and analysis of in-depth interviews conducted upon lecturers of statistics with regards to the teaching of statistics. The main aim of the interviews was to elicit information from the subjects on matters which are related to difficulties in teaching some statistical concepts and factors that contribute towards students' difficulties in understanding the concepts. The other aim was to identify the existence of any distinct patterns which may arise from the interview conversations using the elements of qualitative data analysis (QDA) via transcription, content analysis and identifying conversation themes and codes. The approach taken to link the conversation themes and codes was also meant to illustrate the application and investigation of the feasibility of using multidimensional scaling within the qualitative data approach.

  • In this exploratory study, we followed approximately 1000 students (Economics and Business) in their freshman year at the University of Maastricht (Netherlands). Those students attended three compulsory courses in Quantitative Methods, each having an important component of statistics. Our population of students exhibits a strong heterogeneity with respect to several aspects: attitude towards and prior knowledge of mathematics and statistics, nationality, type of prior education and the mastery of languages. To study the impact of this heterogeneity on learning introductory statistics, the development of a model of students' learning of introductory statistics was chosen as the goal of the project. In order to develop a relational model, several surveys were taken and data sources were used with regard to the students' characteristics, learning context, students' perceptions and the approaches students took. The major contribution of this study is the broad range of different determinants of learning that is considered, which allows investigation of the interrelation between several factors influencing learning besides studying the direct impact of each factor on learning.

  • The study investigated the probabilistic misconceptions of Chinese students, and whether selected misconceptions could be overcome through a focused teaching intervention. A questionnaire was given to a 567 Chinese students from grades 6, 8 and 12 and two streams (advanced and ordinary). In addition 64 of the students were interviewed. Fourteen groups of misconceptions were identified. The SOLO taxonomy was used in this study to describe students' hierarchical understanding levels on the concept of probability. It was found that, generally there was no improvement in developmental level from grades 6 and 8, the two grades without any formal probability training. Grade 12 students have a better understanding than the younger students. The results of the activity-based short-term teaching programme with grade 8 students show that even a short intervention can help students overcome some of their misconceptions.

  • This paper describes a project that involves statistical researchers and software designers in a collaboration designed to accelerate progress in research on statistical thinking and the development of effective software tools for statistical education; the two tools in question are TinkerPlots and Fathom. Most of the paper is devoted to a description of teachers analyzing a dataset first without, then with technology and to a discussion of the implications of such observations for both research and software development.

  • This project was a quasi-experiment designed to investigate whether three factors influence student performance in Quantitative Techniques: (a) the attitude of students towards Quantitative Techniques as a service subject, (b) English language ability of students, and (c) Mathematical ability of students. The results show deficiencies in students' competencies with respect to both language and mathematical ability. The overall impression of the students is that their mathematical ability is the major problem.

  • This paper presents the results of a pilot study investigating the use of short stories in teaching introductory statistics to positively affect statistical anxiety and attitudes toward statistics. The Statistics Anxiety Rating Scale (STARS) and the Attitude Toward Statistics (ATS) scale were given to 17 graduate students at the beginning and end of the semester course. Results suggest a significant decline in statistical anxiety and a positive change in attitudes toward statistics courses, but no significant change in negative attitudes toward the field of statistics.

  • In this article, we exam students' motivations and expectations in introductory statistics. An interview study was conducted to investigate student motivations and expectations before taking the introductory statistics course. The study was conducted in four different types of institutions. Interviews were conducted two to three months after completing an introductory statistics course. Interviewees were chosen to represent the grade distribution by selecting three students from each grade level of A, B, and C or lower. Students' motivations are analyzed and classified into five types based on the existing motivation theories. Four scenarios that commonly occur in introductory statistics are analyzed using existing motivation frameworks. It is suggested that learning goals, instructor's expectation of students, and instructor's caring for student's learning progress are important strategies for motivations.

  • The studies we present investigate elementary students' reasoning about distributions in two contexts: (a) measurement and (b) naturally occurring variation. We first summarize an investigation in which fourth-graders measured the heights of a variety of objects and phenomena, including the school's flagpole, a pencil, and several launches of model rockets. Students noted that the measurements were distributed and that sources of error corresponded to differences in qualities of distribution, especially spread. Next, students investigated the distributions of measurements of height for rockets of different design, to learn whether and how they could be confident that rockets with rounded nose cones "really" went higher than those with pointed nose cones. We then turn to the naturally-occurring variation context, in which these same students (now fifth-graders) studied the growth of Wisconsin Fast Plants(tm), fast-growing members of the Brassica family that enable multiple cycles of classroom observation and experiment within a school year (life cycle is about 40 days). We recount how students became adept at using changing shapes of distributions to support plausible accounts of growth processes. Questions about what would be likely to happen "if we grew them again" motivated investigations of sampling, which, in turn, suggested choices of statistics to represent a sample distribution. Finally, students invented means for considering how one might know whether two different distributions of measures could reasonably be considered "really different."

  • This paper provides an analysis of a Teacher Development Experiment (Simon, 2000) designed to support teachers' understandings of statistical data analysis. The experiment addresses the following research question: Can the results from research conducted in a middle-grades mathematics classroom be used to guide teachers' learning? In both cases, activities from an instructional sequence designed to support the development of ways to reason statistically about data were the basis of engagement. Analyses of the episodes in this paper document that the learning trajectory that emerged from the teachers' activity did, in many significant ways, parallel that of the students.

