
  • This collection of YouTube videos is designed to teach individuals how to use StatCrunch to enter data, graph data, obtain descriptive statistics, and conduct many different kinds of statistical analyses.

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  • This recording of a web seminar (webinar) provides a tour of the Assessment Resource Tools for Improving Statistical Thinking (ARTIST) web site. During this webinar, ARTIST team member Bob delMas guides you through the ARTIST website. The tour includes an overview of an online collection of literature on assessment in statistics education, much of which can be accessed online or downloaded. Resources for creating alternative forms of assessment such as student projects are also presented. You will also learn about efficient ways to create assessments from items from the ARTIST Item Database using a tool known as the Assessment Builder. By the end of the session, you will have learned how to select assessment items and download them in a format that can be edited with a word processor.
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  • This poem, by North Carolina State University Emeritus Professor of Physics Jasper D. Memory (1935 - ) is designed to teach the difference between the probability of having a disease given a positive screening test and the probability of a positive test result given you have the disease. The poem was published in the October, 2007 issue of "Mathematics Magazine" volume 80 p. 273,
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  • As taken from the web site: "STATGRAPHICS Centurion is designed for anyone who wishes to do serious data analysis without investing weeks learning how to use a statistical package. It contains over 150 statistical procedures, covering everything from summary statistics to design of experiments. Yet you don't need to be a statistician to use the program. Everything is completely menu-driven, and there are tools such as the StatWizard and StatAdvisor to help you use the program most effectively." This program is available in three editions:Standard, Professional, and Enterprise.

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  • In this demonstration a scatterplot is displayed and you draw in a regression line by hand. You can then compare your line to the best least squares fit. You can also try to guess the value of Pearson's correlation coefficient.
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  • This applet shows how the correlation between two variables is affected by the range of the variable plotted on the X-axis.
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  • This applet demonstrates that even a "small" effect can be important under some circumstances. Applicants from two groups apply for a job. The user manipulates the mean and the cut-off score in order to see the effects the small changes has on the number of people hired in each group. The effects on the proportion of hired applicants from each group are displayed.(Requires a browser that supports Java).
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  • The applet allows users to sample from a normal distribution or from a uniform distribution. It shows the expected values and the observed values and computes the deviation. Then, a chi-square test shows if the deviations are significant for both the normal and uniform distributions.
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  • This applet simulates experiments using 2 x 2 contingency tables. You specify the population proportions and the sample size and examine the effects on the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis.
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  • This applet demonstrates how the reliability of X and Y affect various aspects of the regression of Y on X.
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