
  • This collection of datasets covers many application areas, but are all for time series analysis. The data are in text format.
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  • This module provides an activity were students will attempt to explain how each of the following variables is related to child poverty within the United States: Race, Age, Family Type, Family Size, and Immigrant Status.
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  • This collection of datasets was compiled by the Biostatistics Department at Vanderbilt University. They come in R, S, Excel, and ASCII formats. Each also has a description in html format.
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  • Statistician: A man who believes figures don't lie, but admits that under analysis some of them won't stand up either. A quote from "Esar's Comic Dictionary" (Harvest House, 1943) by American humorist Evan Esar (pen name for Esar Levine).

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  • Song celebrates advantages of the mean (over the mode and median) and includes conceptual references such as BLUE and MAD. May be sung to the tune of "It Had To Be You" (Gus Hahn and Isham Jones). Musical accompaniment realization and vocals are by Joshua Lintz from University of Texas at El Paso.

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  • an old "walks into a bar" joke with a statistics twist.

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