This page introduces the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, gives background and procedures for the test, and provides a calculation page which allows users to enter their own data and perform the test.
This page introduces the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, gives background and procedures for the test, and provides a calculation page which allows users to enter their own data and perform the test.
This page introduces contigency tables with an example on fruit trees and fire blight. Two calculators are provided that allow users to enter their own contigency table and test for treatment effects. The first calculator performs Fisher's Exact Test on a 2x2 tables. The second performs a chi-square test on up to a 9x9 table.
This online calculator allows users to enter 16 observations with up to 4 dependent variables and calculates the regression equation, the fitted values, R-Squared, the F-Statistic, mean, variance, first order serial-correlation, second order serial-correlation, the Durbin-Watson statistic, and the mean absolute errors. It also tests normality and gives the i-th residuals.
This page calculates probabilities for a Poisson distribution.
This page calculates either estimates of sample size or power for differences in proportions. The program allows for unequal sample size allocation between the two groups.