
  • EXCITE is a collection of teaching materials developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to introduce students to public health and epidemiology. Students will learn about the scientific method of inquiry, basic biostatistics, and outbreak investigation. EXCITE adapts readily to team teaching across a variety of subjects, including mathematics, social studies, history, and physical education.

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  • As taken from the web site: "STATGRAPHICS Centurion is designed for anyone who wishes to do serious data analysis without investing weeks learning how to use a statistical package. It contains over 150 statistical procedures, covering everything from summary statistics to design of experiments. Yet you don't need to be a statistician to use the program. Everything is completely menu-driven, and there are tools such as the StatWizard and StatAdvisor to help you use the program most effectively." This program is available in three editions:Standard, Professional, and Enterprise.

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  • JFreeChart is a free Java class library for generating charts, including: pie charts (2D and 3D); bar charts (regular and stacked, with an optional 3D effect); line and area charts; scatter plots and bubble charts; time series, high/low/open/close charts and candle stick charts; combination charts; Pareto charts; Gantt charts; wind plots, meter charts and symbol charts; wafer map charts;

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  • The program DistCalc calculates probabilities and critical values for the most important distributions. The purpose of this program is to show the concept of critical values and the replacement of printed distribution tables. The Distribution Calculator offers calculations for the normal distribution, the t distribution, the chi-square distribution, and the F distribution.

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  • This program visualizes the effects of outliers to regression lines. The user may pick up a point with the mouse and move it across the chart. The resulting regression line is automatically adjusted after each movement, showing the effect in an immediate and impressive way. The program Leverage allows one to experiment with the leverage effect. You can create a random sample of data noisy points on a line. Dragging one of the points away from the regression line immediately shows the effect, as the regression line is recalculated and moves according to the current data set. Not online: user has to download the program.

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  • This program has been written to explore the relationship between the data points and the error surface of the regression problem. On one hand you can learn how to represent a line in two different spaces ({x,y} and {k,d}), and on the other hand you see that solving the regression problem is nothing else than finding the minimum in the error surface.

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  • This site offers links to a multitude of data tables in PDF format. Topics include national trends in injury hospitalizations, trends in health and aging, summary health statistics for the U.S. population, trends in health insurance and access to medical care for children under age 19 years, and many more.
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  • R is an integrated suite of software facilities for data manipulation, calculation and graphical display. R is a free software environment and language for statistical computing and graphics. R provides a wide variety of statistical (linear and nonlinear modeling, classical statistical tests, time-series analysis, classification, clustering, ...) and graphical techniques, and is highly extensible.

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  • This site gives the outlines and shows the lessons for psychology 340/341: Advanced Statistical Methods.
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  • This page contains information and links about statistical literacy. Some links are to textbooks, online articles, resources, and information about upcoming events.
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