Quarto Course Notes Websites: Online, Open-Source, Searchable, Modular, Future-Proof, and Easy!

Devan Becker (Wilfrid Laurier University)


Students click a link and they have full access to everything from lecture, bonus content, exercises, and your speaker notes, all formatted as an html webpage with a search bar and separated into chapters and lessons.

How? With a configuration file and some plain text notes. With quarto, you can create a single lecture file (rmd, ipynb, md, or qmd) that is converted into a presentation for class (including code and code outputs) and then added to an online book with additional content, hosted online for everyone or hosted by your LMS for controlled access. The book also facilitates downloading the rmd/ipynb files or uploading to Google Colab for interactive coding and doing exercises.

In this workshop, I share a completely free process for making course notes available to students in a user-friendly format with the same tools students will use in industry and academia.
