T01: “Enhanced” Sample Data Sets for Hands-On Exercises | Tuesday

JMP | Kevin Potcner (Poster), Ross Metusalem (Video)


Sample data sets form the foundation of the exercises that give students hands-on experience with data analysis. Unfortunately, good sample data sets can be hard to find. Countless data sets are available online, but frequently they are not “real world”, in that they are overly simple or not based on realistic or motivating scenarios. They also might lack relevant background information, with unclear variable names, no data dictionary, and/or vague analysis goals. These issues reduce the utility of the data sets both for forming impactful exercises and for motivating student effort in completing them.

Because the statistics education community can always use more and better sample data sets, the JMP Academic team has developed a collection of “enhanced” data sets that are free to use (and can be analyzed outside of JMP software). Each data set is based on a realistic scenario, with data frequently coming from the news or academic research, and each is accompanied by a PDF containing the story behind the data, a full data dictionary, suggested exercises, and supplemental information when relevant. Currently, 20 data sets are available, and more are in development.

You can find the Enhanced Data Sets here: https://www.jmp.com/en_us/academic/course-materials/enhanced-datasets.html.

Come by the poster to learn more about the data sets, see a couple examples, and even suggest new data sets to be added to the collection.
