W03: Exploration of Effect Size Through an Interactive In-class Activity

By Marian Frazier


In this activity, small groups of students calculate p-value and effect size between two independent means in a hypothetical scenario where medical researchers are studying the ability of a new treatment to treat pain. The groups are given simulated data of different sizes with different summary statistics. Groups present their recommendations to the (hypothetical) medical researchers to the class, using data visualization, p-value, and effect size as evidence. By comparing across groups in these brief presentations, students explore the relationship between sample size, SD, raw difference, p-value, and effect size. A comparison of scores between this semester's end-of-term project and previous semesters without any effect size activities will be presented. The activity is easily adaptable to 100- and 200-level classes of varying sizes (10-50 students), in-person or synchronous online, and between 45 and 90 minutes of class time.