Keynote #4: An Update on the College GAISE Revision Process

Jamie Perrett & Patti Frazer Lock


With time passed and the increased attention given to data science, it is time to update College GAISE from its 2016 edition. We will discuss the current status of the revision, and the direction we anticipate it will take. We will also provide some feedback on the comments and suggestions we have received so far.


Presenter Bio(s):

Dr. Perrett received his Ph.D. in statistics from Kansas State University in 2004. He has held several positions over the years both in industry and academia. He currently is an associate teaching professor in the Department of Statistics at Brigham Young University where his research focus is statistics education. He is actively involved in the American Statistical Association where he currently serves as vice-chair of the education council, a vice-chair of the Council of Chapters, co-chair of the College GAISE revision, ASA representative on the CBMS data science task force, and is an ASA Fellow.

Patti Frazer Lock is a Professor of Mathematics and Statistics at St. Lawrence University. She is a co-author of Statistics: Unlocking the Power of Data with her husband and three children.  She is also a co-author with Deb Hughes-Hallett’s  Calculus Consortium of texts in Calculus, Multivariable Calculus, Applied Calculus, Pre-calculus, and College Algebra.   She has chaired the SIGMAA on Statistics Education, has served on the ASA-MAA Joint Committee on Statistics Education, and chaired the Applied Data Analysis course report committee for the MAA Curriculum Guide.   She is currently co-chairing the committee to revise the College GAISE report.  She has won numerous teaching and presentation awards.  She is passionate about finding ways to help students succeed at and enjoy introductory courses in mathematics and statistics.
