Anelise Sabbag, Megan Mocko, Brandon George
One of the biggest challenges in teaching online asynchronous courses is creating opportunities for students to experience the collaborative interactions that occur in well-designed face-to-face classrooms. Collaborative work that encourages students to interact with each other in online classes can create a sense of community and facilitate the learning process. Recommendations for statistics education encourage the use of real-time online discussions , however, many online courses are delivered asynchronously, making real-time discussions unfeasible. Collaborative keys (CKs), are a strictly scaffolded tool that draws from Cooperative Learning principles and may offer a meaningful way for students in asynchronous online courses to experience collaborative work and a sense of community. This session seeks to explore how statistics students interact with one another while using the CK, as well as to discuss how participation in CKs appears to be related to student engagement, and self-regulated learning.