BOF-T02: Can AI Tools Enhance Statistical Consulting Education?

Samantha Robinson


With the emergence of AI tools like ChatGPT, the landscape of statistical education is evolving. This Birds of a Feather session will discuss a proposed integration of AI technologies into an undergraduate/graduate statistical consulting education. We will describe a recent attempt to scaffold AI tools like ChatGPT within a semester-long statistical consulting course and discuss how this incorporation of AI tools complemented student learning and enhanced client service. Drawing upon past research on statistical consulting education (e.g., Boomer, Rogness & Jersky, 2007), we will reflect on course objectives, ethics, and pedagogy in light of AI. Key questions will be explored, including: How can AI aid statistical consulting skills like communication and project management? What are the ethical considerations for AI use in consulting? How do we train students to judiciously and beneficially incorporate AI? Attendees will be invited to share perspectives on opportunities and challenges of thoughtfully integrating AI into statistical consulting courses. The session will spark discussion on the future of statistics and data science education as AI capabilities progress.