Regional Conference - Florida Atlantic University


The Statistics and Data Science for ALL mini-conference is the second regional face-to-face conference tied to 2018 eCOTS’s theme. The theme of 2018 eCOTS is "Data Science for ALL". The mini-conference will be held on Saturday, May 19, 2018 on Boca Raton campus at Florida Atlantic University.

The key activities will feature on one keynote speaker, research and application talks, faculty communities, faculty and industrial networking with interests in statistical education and frontier in data science. The objectives of the mini-conference is to show the core concepts of data science including data preparation and wrangling, data visualization, data computing and modeling, computing tools and technique communications to provide a forum for teachers, industrial and business partners, government officers, graduate and undergraduate students etc. from South Florida, to build local statistics and data science community, to learn from and engage with each other.

Keynote: Dr. Yongtao Guan

Dr. Yongtao Guan currently is the department chair and Leslie O. Barnes Professor, Department of Management Science in School of Business Administration, University of Miami. Professor Guan worked at Yale University from 2006-2011. His research interests focus on point processes, spatial-temporal processes, spatial epidemiology and longitudinal data analysis.

Location: Florida Atlantic University

777 Glades Road, Boca Raton, FL 33431


Saturday, May 19th, 2018 – 8:00 a.m. to 4:40 p.m.

Contact: Lianfen Qian
