Caption Contest - October 2019 - Results

The moment Newton discovered that data can accelerate innovation.

There were 31 entries in the October caption contest that featured a cartoon showing an Isaac Newton looking figure sitting under a tree, but instead of an apple falling on his head, it is a computer with a statistical graph on the screen.

The winning caption for the October contest was "The moment Newton discovered that data can accelerate innovation," written by Eric Vance from University of Colorado Boulder. The caption links well with the famous Isaac Newton apple tree fable and can be used for discussing the importance of data to speed innovation in any discipline from science to business to public policy.

An honorable mention this month goes to Charlie Smith from North Carolina State University for his caption "The collision between data and theory can sometimes lead to headaches for theorists," that might be used in discussing the need to validate theory with data and how recognizing conflicts might lead to a better understanding of the process being modeled.