Caption Contest - June 2017 - Results

We had 21 submissions for the June caption contest that featured a cartoon showing two mice in lab coats holding tablets with statistical graphs while there are four cages in the lab each with two people inside of them wearing identical colored clothes. The winning caption for the June contest was “An insider's view of a matched pairs design,” written by Larry Lesser from The University of Texas at El Paso. The judges found the caption to be an excellent way to initiate a class discussion about the value of matched designs in reducing variability (the people in the cages were also matched by gender).

Three honorable mentions this month were given to:

  • "Not sure if a paired samples t-test will work well here Jim," written by Sondra LoRoe, a student at University of Tennessee;
  • "The association is clear, Doctor. But can we prove that blue shirts CAUSE humans to become Statistics professors?" written by Robert Hauss from Mt Hood Community College;
  • "The blue and yellow seem to be performing very well. How do you think they'll do in the maze?" written by Anikah Norton, a student at Legend High School.