Caption Contest - April 2020 - Results

Big Data! Small data! Find all your data driven needs at The Data Store.

The April caption contest that featured a cartoon showing the loading dock of a building called "The Data Store" where there are two doors. Backed up to one door is a large semi-trailer truck while coming out of a smaller door is a person pushing a small cart with a computer on it.

The winning caption for the April contest was"Big Data! Small data! Find all your data driven needs at The Data Store," written by Eric Vance from the University of Colorado Boulder. The caption can used to help discuss the difference between large and small datasets and the kinds of issues involved in analyzing them and the questions that can be answered with them.

An honorable mention goes to Jason Hu, a student at Strath Haven High School for his caption "Because the computer is on the data highway, it experiences a lot more traffic than the truck." The caption gives emphasis to how, even a small device, can have access to "truck-loads" of data for analysis.