Undergraduate students

  • This text based website provides an explanation of some coincidences that are often discussed. It gives an explanation of the birthday problem along with a graphic display of the probability of birthday matches vs. the number of people included. It also discussess other popular coincidences such as the similarities between John F. Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln. It goes on to discuss steaks of heads and tails along with random features of stocks and the stock market prices.
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  • This collection of YouTube videos is designed to teach individuals how to use StatCrunch to enter data, graph data, obtain descriptive statistics, and conduct many different kinds of statistical analyses.

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  • This webpage presents three new datasets to accompany the book "A Casebook for a First Course in Statistics and Data Analysis" by Chatterjee, Handcock and Simonoff. The datasets address salaries of major league baseball players, state aid to Nassau County public schools, and the success of teams in the National Hockey League, 1995-1996. The datasets are available in Minitab, Text, and Statistix 4 format.
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  • These datasets come from the book "STAT LABS: Mathematical Statistics Through Applications." Below the link for each dataset are descriptions of the variables for that dataset. Datasets are in text format and address topics such as maternal smoking and infant health, video games, radon, cytomegalovirus DNA, HIV, crab molting, voting, snow gauge calibration, down syndrome, and tape drive quality.
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  • This site links to social science data archives all over Europe. By clicking "The Cataloge" users can search for datasets from any country's data archive or go directly to a data archive website by clicking the name of the country. By clicking "The Map" users can see a map of the locations of European data archives and click the country whose archive they would like to see. Some archives require registration to access the datasets.

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  • This collection of datasets addresses social science issues and is housed at the University of Wisconsin. Free registration is required to access the datasets.
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  • This tutorial introduces the statistical software SPSS for Windows users. Topics covered include: The Basics, Data, Descriptive Statistics, Chi-square & T-tests, Correlations & Regression, Oneway ANOVA, Factorial ANOVA.
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  • This collection of datasets from Harvard University covers many ecological topics from insects to hurricanes. Each dataset's description includes the name of the investigator, dates of collection, location, abstract, and method of collection. The metadata file for each dataset provides descriptions of the variables. Please read the terms of agreement before use.
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  • This page contains applets and data files that supplement the text "Investigating Statistical Concepts, Applications, And Methods." The applets and files are organized according to chapter; each data file is available in Minitab or text format.
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  • The datasets in this collection are in text format, but are also compatible with Arc software from "Regression Graphics." Each set has a title, description, and data table. The software is available in the relation link below.
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