High School

  • The 29-item attitudinal scale consists of two subscales: attitude toward the field of statistics (20 items) and attitude toward the course (9 items). Students are asked to respond to how they currently feel about a statement (i.e., "I feel that statistics will be useful to me in my profession") using a 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) response scale.
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  • This Compendium describes distributions appropriate for the modeling of random data. The number of distributions (56) is large, including: 1. Continuous distributions (30), (Symmetric (11) and Skewed (19)) 2. Continuous binary mixtures(17), 3. Discrete distributions (5), 4. Discrete binary mixtures (4), All formulas are shown in their fully-parametrized form, not the standard form. Many of the formulas given are seldom described. Random variate generation is included where feasible.
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  • This site discusses types of data, stem and leaf plots, mean and median, histograms, and barcharts. Exercises are also provided, as well as their corresponding answers.
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  • Users can select from detailed tables and geographical comparison tables to generate data from the 2000 Census.
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  • This video is an example of what is known in psychology as selective attention. When a person is instructed to only focus on the number of times a ball is passed between players wearing a white shirt it is sometimes difficult to see what else is going on.
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  • This is an example of "growing" a decision tree to analyze two possible outcomes. The tree's branches examine the two possible conditions of employee drug use with corresponding probabilities. This example looks at the final outcome probabilities of being correctly and incorrectly identified versus testing accuracy.
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  • Using a parameter it's possible to represent a property of an entire population with a single number instead of millions of individual data points. There are a number of possible parameters to choose from such as the median, mode, or interquartile range. Each is calculated in a different manner and illuminates the data from a different point of view. The mean is one of the most useful and widely used and helps us understand populations. A population is simulated by generating 10,000 floating point random numbers between 0 and 10. Sample means are displayed in histograms and analyzed.
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  • Pseudo random number generators (PRNG) start with a seed value and will eventually repeat all the numbers they generate in exactly the same order. Putting in the same seed value will give precisely the same set of random numbers. On large scale Monte Carlo simulations (depends on generation of multiple random numbers), care has to be taken to make sure that the PRNG cycle is significantly longer than the quantity of random numbers needed or the pattern in the PRNG cycle can show up as an error producing pattern in the simulation results.
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  • This page provides an example of pseudo random number generators (PRNG) creating spread spectrum broadcasts and signals for encryption and decryption of wireless transmissions.
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  • This lesson plan uses the Birthday Paradox to introduce basic concepts of probability. Students run a Monte Carlo simulation using the TI-83 graphing calculator to generate random dates, and then search for matching pairs. Students also perform a graphical analysis of the birthday-problem function. Key Words: Permutations; Explicit Function; Recursive Function; Modeling.
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