USCOTS 2013 - Larry Lesser

USCOTS 2013 - Banquet Edutainment
lyrics © 2013 Lawrence M. LesserAfter being introduced by conference chair Allan Rossman, Larry performed this sequence of his songs at the USCOTS banquet hosted by (and videotaped by) SAS on May 17, 2013 : "Gonna Give You a Lecture", "Correlation Song", "What p-Value Means", "Birthday Song", "MLE", "The Gambler", "Mean", "Statistician's BLUEs", "Hit Me with Your Best Plot", and "Y Hat Dance". A booklet of lyrics is posted in the USCOTS 2013 proceedings; demos of these (and other) individual songs can be found in the CAUSEweb song collection and/or Larry's math/stat songs webpage.