2019 A-μ-Sing Competition Winners

The Sung Heroes (Song & Music Video Submissions)

First PlaceVideoGreg Crowther (Everett Community College)Trials & Errors
Second PlaceSong* Parker Kain (Northern Kentucky University)Confidence Rap
Third PlaceVideoMary McLellan (Aledo High School)Don't You Extrapolate
Influential Point
Fourth PlaceSongLarry Lesser (University of Texas at El Paso)
Michael Posner (Villanova University)
She Taught Me Data Science

Fifth Place

VideoJordyn Gross (Burlington Township High School)I knew you were trouble
Honorable MentionSongLarry Lesser (University of Texas at El Paso)Expected Val(ue)
Honorable MentionSongLarry Lesser (University of Texas at El Paso)An [Ordered] Arrangement with no [Lyric] Repeats
Honorable MentionVideo* Emelie Andersson (University of Toronto)
* Seongyun Lee (University of Toronto)
Why Stats Matter

* Denotes student entrant.

The Unsung Heroes (Art, Cartoon, Joke, Poem, & Video Submissions)

First PlaceCartoonAustin Boyd (University of Tennessee)Data For Sale
Second PlaceCartoonJashandeep Nijjar & Ajandan Nandakumar (University of Toronto Mississauga)Surved with Bias
Second PlaceCartoonTubba Babar (University of Toronto Mississauga)Mix-up
Honorable MentionCartoonJona Gjevori * (University of Toronto Mississauga)Bone Appetit
Honorable MentionCartoonMartha Pienkowski * (University of Toronto Mississauga)Mean Girls
Honorable MentionPoemGill Marjorie Onate * (University of Toronto Mississauga)The Party
Honorable MentionMemeAmy Finnegan (Duke University)Accuracy vs Precision

* Denotes student entrant.

See competition rules.