Song Library
- /smiles/songs/radical_approach0A Radical Approach – 0:35Understand that standard error changes with the square root of the sample size.Question Set110170
- /smiles/songs/anova0ANOVA – 2:46Recognize, in context, the idea of ANOVA as comparing variance between groups to variance within groups.Question Set111171
- /smiles/songs/central_limit_theorem0Central Limit Theorem – 1:12Recognize when the Central Limit Theorem applies.Question Set104176
- /smiles/songs/chi-squared_dance0Chi-Squared Dance – 1:35Recognize, in context, parts of a chi-squared test for independence (null, degrees of freedom, and observed vs expected rationale).Question Set112168
- /smiles/songs/correlation_not_causation0Correlation Does Not Imply Causation – 3:33Recognize and construct examples to illustrate how correlation does not imply causation.Question Set93179
- /smiles/songs/correlation_illustration1Correlation Illustration – 1:21Interpret positive, negative, and zero correlation and transfer knowledge about associations to new context/situations.Question Set116167
- /smiles/songs/correlation_song0Correlation Song – 0:34Identify the meaning of correlation and its relationship to the slope of the regression line.Question Set78
- /smiles/songs/dont_buy_a_carpet0Don't Buy a Carpet – 1:30Recognize how a change in units affects the variance (since variance is expressed in squared units).Question Set115166
- /smiles/songs/estimation_notation0Estimation Notation: It's Greek (and Roman) to Me – 1:10Identify sample and population quantities in context and match to standard statistical notation. (Instructors: Please check alignment with your curriculum)Question Set80165
- /smiles/songs/everythings_significant0Everything's Unusual (Long) – 3:57Reason how larger sample sizes decrease the p-value, all else being equal.Question Set89164
- /smiles/songs/everythings_significant_short0Everything's Unusual (Short) – 2:44Reason how larger sample sizes decrease the p-value, all else being equal.Question Set89164
- /smiles/songs/height_of_confidence0Height of Confidence – 2:42Reason about the factors that affect the width of a confidence interval (sample size, confidence level, standard deviation).Question Set77163
- /smiles/songs/make_a_good_bar_graph0Help Me Make a Good Bar Graph – 0:38Recognize good properties of a bar graph.Question Set182
- /smiles/songs/hypothesis_on_trial0Hypothesis on Trial – 1:38Identify counterparts in the courtroom analogy for hypothesis test (innocence ≈ null; acquit ≈ fail to reject; etc.). Identify errors of Type I and II in context.Question Set79162
- /smiles/songs/inferential_descriptive_statistics0Inferential and Descriptive Statistics – 1:27Contrast inferential and descriptive statistics with respect to their different goals and typical tools or outputs.Question Set82
- /smiles/songs/fitting_conclusion0Is the Conclusion Fitting? – 0:42Apply relationships among alpha level, p-value, and the decision of a hypothesis test.Question Set75169
- /smiles/songs/not_that_bad0It Might Not Be That Bad – 3:03Applying Bayes' rule or examining marginal and conditional proportions in a table to see how, for rare conditions, most positive test results may be false positives.Question Set113173
- /smiles/songs/levels_of_measurement0Levels of Measurement – 2:01Give 4 levels of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio scales) in appropriate hierarchical order and identify examples of each level in a real-world context.Question Set74161
- /smiles/songs/my_familys_mean0My Family's Mean (Long) – 2:22Reason about mean and median, and the effect of an outlier.Question Set83160
- /smiles/songs/my_familys_mean_short0My Family's Mean (Short) – 1:28Reason about mean and median, and the effect of an outlier.Question Set83160
- /smiles/songs/simpsons_paradox0No One Counted On Simpson's Paradox – 2:13Explore Simpson’s paradox and recognize how a third variable might drive the relationship between two others.Question Set94174
- /smiles/songs/probability_rules_rap0Probability Rules Rap – 1:02Recognize and apply the basic rules of probability and distinguish between their use.Question Set76180
- /smiles/songs/regression_rumba0Regression Rumba – 1:46Interpret basics of regression, including: checking assumptions, interpretation of slope, r, and r^2.Question Set103159
- /smiles/songs/super_bowl_poll0Super Bowl Poll – 1:28Apply margin of error in the context of a poll question, including that variability decreases with the square root of sample size.Question Set95158
- /smiles/songs/target_practice0Target Practice – 1:08Identify examples of biased (e.g. range) and unbiased (e.g. mean) estimators.Question Set114157
- /smiles/songs/enlightened_teacher0The Enlightened Teacher – 1:55Identify factors that allow a sample of data to be representative of the population and distinguish between random and convenience samples.Question Set96175
- /smiles/songs/null-hypothesis0The Null Hypothesis – 1:01Identify the null hypothesis (as opposed to the alternative hypothesis) for the most common situations.Question Set156
- /smiles/songs/throw_that_out0Throw That Out? – 1:36Identify factors to consider when deciding how outliers should be treated, as well as factors for deciding if a study is worthwhile.Question Set81177
- /smiles/songs/what_p-value_means0What P-Value Means – 0:12Understand the definition of a P-value.Question Set85178
- /smiles/songs/y_hat_dance0Y Hat Dance – 0:57Reason about the meaning of and distinguish among observed, fitted, and residual values.Question Set84
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