Resources for JEDI-Informed Teaching of Statistics
Pedagogy, research, and professional development
In the college classroom, grades are the primary avenue by which we quantify and communicate student achievement. In setting up grading systems for our courses, we make countless decisions: Should the project be worth 25 or 30 percent of the final grade? Will I drop the lowest quiz score? What penalty (if any) should I implement for late work ? These seemingly small decisions can have a surprisingly large impact on the grades that we assign and the type of learning and understanding that we privilege. Thinking carefully about the way we grade is critical for JEDI-informed teaching of statistics. In recent years, I have been drastically and continually rethinking my approach to grading. At JSM 2023, I gave a talk about these efforts as part of the session "Power in the Classroom: From Helping Students Play the Game to Helping Students Change the Game." I am sharing the slides from this talk here.
In these slides, you will find: thoughts on the purpose of grades, the impact of grades, and why grading is an important consideration for JEDI-informed teaching; a brief discussion of the many problems with traditional grades (with suggested resources for further reading); three examples of changes I have implemented in introductory and advanced statistics courses at Macalester College; and reflections on what aspects of those changes worked... and what didn't. Additional resources and examples can be found at the "content resource" link.
Want to integrate inclusive teaching practices in your class but don't know where to get started? Check this resource list on inclusive pedagogy from a JSM 2022 BoF session, hosted by Shu-Min Liao and Mine Dogucu.