Dan Rockmore's book: Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis
Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis
Pantheon Books, New York, 2005
Dan Rockmore
The Proof: an interview with Dan Rockmore
New Hampshire Public April 12. 2005
John Walters
As the stakes increase, Prime-Number theory Moves Closer to Proof
Wall Street Journal,Science Journal. A[ro; 8. 2005
Sharon Begley
Math Monster
The Telegraph (Calcut, Indea), April 8, 2005
Pathik Guha
In 1998 the Mathematical Sciences Research Institutein Berkeley, California had a three-day conference on "Mathematics and the Media". The purpose of this conference was to bring together science writers and mathematicians to discuss ways to better inform the public about mathematics and new discoveries in mathematics. As part of the conference, they asked Peter Sarnak, from Princeton University, to talk about new results in mathematics that he felt the science writers might like to write about. He chose as his topic "The Riemann Hypothesis" This is generally considered the most famous unsolved problem in mathematics and is the major focus of Sarnak's research.
In his talk, Sarnak described some fascinating new connections between the Riemann Hypothesis, physics and random matrices. He used only mathematics that one would meet in calculus and linear algebra. Sarnak's lecture, and a discussion of his talk by the science writers, can be found here under "Mathematics for the Media"
Unfortuanately, Sarnak's talk was not fully appreciated by the Science writers. The first to comment said that she felt like she did when she was in Gremany and a friend took her to a party. The Germans at the party initially tried to speak to her in English and she could understand them, but then they would drift into German and she was lost.
Another Science writers said that, to write an article based on Sarnac's talk they would have to sit down with him and have him explain what he had said in a way she could understand it .then she would have to write an article for her readers explaining the key ideas without formulas or mathematical symbols. A few grapphics would be o.k.
With his book Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis, Dan discusses the Prime Number Theorem and its history in a way that the Science writers proposed for the general public. He does this by explaining the relevant mathematical concepts in terms of concepts familliar to his readers. For example the rate of increase is discussed first in terms of the spread of a rumor and the logarithm in terms of the Rickter scale. Density is described in terms of population density noting that the average number of people per square mile living in South Dekota is quite different from that of New Jersey. Then we read
- Similarly, we can ask how many prime numbers "live in the neighboood" of a particular
- number. Gauss's estimates imply that as we traipse along the number :line with basket in
- hands, picking up primes, we will eventally acquaire them at a rate apporaching the
- reciprocal of the logarithm of the position that weve just passed.
.Along the way Dan gives a lively discussion of the mathematicians Euler, Gauss, Riemann and many others up to present day mathematicians working on solving the Riemann Hypothesis. He also gives the readers an understanding of what mathematics and mathematial research is all about. In the Telegraph Dan is quoted as saying:
- My overarching goal has always been to provide a window through which the public might
- get some sense of what mathematical research is like while showing the surprising breadth
- of math as a subject," says Rockmore in an e-mail interview. "I felt that the best way to achieve
- this was through a single story, for I believe that narrative is the key to holding a reader's interest.
- It seemed to me that the history of the Riemann Hypothesis - given its central place in modern
- mathematical history and research - would provide such an opportunity. The story of the search
- for its resolution would provide a structure off which I could hang a broader story of modern math.
This is not Dan't first attempt to try to help the general public to have a better understanding of what mathematics is all about. I once mentioned to a muscian that I was a mathematician and he said "I guess you learn thow to add and multiply numbers faster than we can"
Dan's first article for the genral public that I recall was an essay in the New York Times in 1998 in which he used the movie Good Will Hunting to illustrate steriotypes of mathematicians. He writes:
Ellen Page Wilson
Chuck Close's "Self-Portrait" is constructed of grids put together in a manner similar to the way information about images is compressed and encoded for transmission in computer networks.
Let's take "Good Will Hunting," which I liked. Moviegoers may be familiar with the story of Will, a young man of college age, who lives alone in South Boston and works as a janitor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is a genius with a particular talent for mathematics. While cleaning the halls one day he sees a problem that has been left as a challenge on a blackboard and solves it. His novel solution lands him a place at M.I.T. as an aide to an arrogant former young genius confronting the diminution of his mathematical prowess. Along the way Will (Matt Damon) meets a beautiful woman (Minnie Driver) from the other side of the tracks (Harvard) and a therapist (Robin Williams) who teach him about love, trust and life.
So, how is this about math? Well, we hear that the problem derives from graph theory and is solved using something called "Fourier systems" (more properly called Fourier analysis), but this is of course peripheral.
- The main messages of the movie are old and trite: You are either someone who
- can do math or you are not; mathematics is impossible to explain to others, even
- other mathematicians, and to be a mathematician and to think about mathematics
- is to separate yourself from most of society. After all, what could be more at odds with
- Will's working-class, street-wise background than a talent for mathematics?
He then gives examples from the arts where it is possible to see the pervasiveness of mathematics in the real world. For example, the Movie "Sliding Doors" illustrates how long-term behavior of a sysstem can be highly dependent on the initial conditions -- the buterfly effect. He comments that identifying these connections does not need to lead to madness as it does for the hero of the movie Pi.
Dan followed this with a series of mathematical commentaries with jazzy names such as Math, a love story,Halving Your Cake, Can you hear the shap;e of your date? You can hear 29 of these [commentaries http://www.math.dartmouth.edu/news/ here].
Last year Dan and his colleagues Weny Conquest and Bob Drake made a movie called "The Math Life" in which leading mathematicians talk about how they got into mathematics, what kind of mathematics inerests them and what it is like to work on a mathematical problem. This movie was shown on public television.
Of course "Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis" is perhaps Dan's greatest challange it bringing matheamtics to the general public. We cannot expect the typical reaader to get all the math. As we mentioned in our Forsooth, the picture to illustrate Begley review has a box of primes starting with 1.
At the end of the Telegaph review we read: