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==Deception and waste of time==

To follow up on the previous post, deception in psychology is quite common.  In fact, there exists an entire book devoted to the subject, ''Illusions of Reality: A History of Deception in Social Psychology'', by James H. Korn.  “Stanley Milgram [famous for obedience studies] used the term t''echnical illusions'' because he thought the word ''deception'' had a negative moral bias”--italics in the original.  Most people outside of the psychology realm recognize a convenient euphemism when they see one.

However, the researchers who so annoyed Andrew Gelman are not psychologists but business school assistant professors, who, unfortunately like their psychologist colleagues, have to publish and seek research which can be done inexpensively.  The one thing that sets this research apart is that the duped individuals were faculty members rather than that customary captive, victimized class known as convenient undergraduates.

[ Gelman’s initial reaction] was to say “$63,000 worth of abusive research…or just a waste of time.”  [ He later modified his views] but perhaps he should not have.  The lay public is all too familiar with the “Lies, damned lies, and statistics” apocryphally attributed to Twain and Disraeli.  Almost as well known is “If you torture the data enough, it will confess to anything.”   Perhaps an even more serious condemnation of the use of statistics is that many studies which utilize statistics to justify their existence are just not worth undertaking despite their titillation value and low p-values.  Intercessory prayer, lucky charms and extrasensory perception come readily to mind.  Unfortunately, just these kinds of investigations resonate with journalists.  
“We know that people tend to overestimate the frequency of well-publicized, spectacular
events compared with more commonplace ones; this is a well-understood phenomenon in
the literature of risk assessment and leads to the truism that when statistics plays folklore,
folklore always wins in a rout.”
<div align=right>-- Donald Kennedy (former president of Stanford University), ''Academic Duty'', Harvard University Press, 1997, p.17</div>


1.  Consider the following University of Michigan research as an [ illustration of a deception study].  It is entitled “Washing Away Postdecisional Dissonance.”  The technical illusion in this paper had to do with preference for a product--first, music CDs (40 undergraduates) and then, jam jars (85 undergraduates)-- when in fact the real interest was in hand washing afterwards to determine its effect on regret.  Why did the Wall Street Journal choose to comment on it?  Estimate the cost of doing the study. If inference to a larger population is desired, what would be the relevant larger population?
"Using scientific language and measurement doesn’t prevent a researcher from conducting flawed experiments and drawing wrong conclusions — especially when they confirm preconceptions."

2. The hand washing study begins with the statement: “Hand washing removes more than dirt--it also removes the guilt of past misdeeds, weakens the urge to engage in compensatory behavior, and attenuates the impact of disgust on moral judgment.”  Based on the music CDs and the jam jars, it concludes with hand washing “can also cleanse us from traces of past decisions, reducing the need to justify them.”  How would you set up a different deceptive experiment to show whether or not this is true? 
<div align=right>-- Blaise Agüera y Arcas, Margaret Mitchell and Alexander Todoorov, quoted in: The racist history behind facial recognition, ''New York Times'', 10 July 2019</div>

3.  Quite apart from dubious statistics, deception can be a dangerous endeavor as [ James O'Keefe] might attest to.  After his initial success with duping ACORN, he overreached when he tried “to tamper with Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu’s office phones” by posing as a telephone worker.  More germane to this discussion, see [ the case of Francis Flynn.]  He wrote to 240 New York restaurants “claiming to have contracted food poisoning while dining at their establishments” in order to “to help collect data for a research study he had developed to determine how restaurateurs responded to complaints.”  Eventually, when his deception was found out, 10 of the restaurants “filed a $100 million class-action lawsuit against Flynn and the school [Columbia University], claiming libel and emotional distress.”  That was about ten years ago and in spite of this, he has now been promoted and has moved to another coast.
==In progress==
[ What if the Placebo Effect Isn’t a Trick?]<br>
by Gary Greenberg, ''New York Times Magazine'', 7 November 2018

4. There is a spectrum: explanation, euphemism, deception, fraud. For each of the following, justify what category is applicable to these oft-seen advertisements.
[ The Problems With Risk Assessment Tools]<br>
by Chelsea Barabas, Karthik Dinakar and Colin Doyle, ''New York Times'', 17 July 2019
a. “Absolutely free.  Shipping and handling charges may apply.”<br>
b. “Up to 30% off.”<br>
c. “For your convenience, dinner that night is not included.”<br>
d. “The illustration shown on the cereal box is enlarged to better display the contents.”<br>
e. “Taxes and fees are extra.”<br>
f. “Premium quality.”<br>
g. “No entrance or sign-up fee.”<br>
h. “Limited supply only.”<br>

Submitted by Paul Alper
==Hurricane Maria deaths==
Laura Kapitula sent the following to the Isolated Statisticians e-mail list:
:[Why counting casualties after a hurricane is so hard]<br>
:by Jo Craven McGinty, Wall Street Journal, 7 September 2018
The article is subtitled: Indirect deaths—such as those caused by gaps in medication—can occur months after a storm, complicating tallies
Laura noted that
:[ Did 4,645 people die in Hurricane Maria? Nope.]<br>
:by Glenn Kessler, ''Washington Post'', 1 June 2018
The source of the 4645 figure is a [ NEJM article].  Point estimate, the 95% confidence interval ran from 793 to 8498.
President Trump has asserted that the actual number is
[ 6 to 18].
The ''Post'' article notes that Puerto Rican official had asked researchers at George Washington University to do an estimate of the death toll.  That work is not complete.
[ George Washington University study]
:[ We sttill don’t know how many people died because of Katrina]<br>
:by Carl Bialik, FiveThirtyEight, 26 August 2015
[ These 3 Hurricane Misconceptions Can Be Dangerous. Scientists Want to Clear Them Up.]<br>
[ Misinterpretations of the “Cone of Uncertainty” in Florida during the 2004 Hurricane Season]<br>
[ Definition of the NHC Track Forecast Cone]
[ Remember when a glass of wine a day was good for you? Here's why that changed.]
''Popular Science'', 10 September 2018
[ Googling the news]<br>
''Economist'', 1 September 2018
[ We sat in on an internal Google meeting where they talked about changing the search algorithm — here's what we learned]
[ Reading , Writing and Risk Literacy]
[ Today is the deadliest day of the year for car wrecks in the U.S.]
==Some math doodles==
<math>P \left({A_1 \cup A_2}\right) = P\left({A_1}\right) + P\left({A_2}\right) -P \left({A_1 \cap A_2}\right)</math>
<math>P(E)  = {n \choose k} p^k (1-p)^{ n-k}</math>
==Accidental insights==
My collective understanding of Power Laws would fit beneath the shallow end of the long tail. Curiosity, however, easily fills the fat end.  I long have been intrigued by the concept and the surprisingly common appearance of power laws in varied natural, social and organizational dynamics.  But, am I just seeing a statistical novelty or is there meaning and utility in Power Law relationships? Here’s a case in point.
While carrying a pair of 10 lb. hand weights one, by chance, slipped from my grasp and fell onto a piece of ceramic tile I had left on the carpeted floor. The fractured tile was inconsequential, meant for the trash.
<center>[[File:BrokenTile.jpg | 400px]]</center>
As I stared, slightly annoyed, at the mess, a favorite maxim of the Greek philosopher, Epictetus, came to mind: “On the occasion of every accident that befalls you, turn to yourself and ask what power you have to put it to use.”  Could this array of large and small polygons form a Power Law? With curiosity piqued, I collected all the fragments and measured the area of each piece.
{| class="wikitable"
! Piece !! Sq. Inches !! % of Total
| 1 || 43.25 || 31.9%
| 2 || 35.25 ||26.0%
|  3 || 23.25 || 17.2%
| 4 || 14.10 || 10.4%
| 5 || 7.10 || 5.2%
| 6 || 4.70 || 3.5%
| 7 || 3.60 || 2.7%
| 8 || 3.03 || 2.2%
| 9 || 0.66 || 0.5%
| 10 || 0.61 || 0.5%
<center>[[File:Montante_plot1.png | 500px]]</center>
The data and plot look like a Power Law distribution. The first plot is an exponential fit of percent total area. The second plot is same data on a log normal format. Clue: Ok, data fits a straight line.  I found myself again in the shallow end of the knowledge curve. Does the data reflect a Power Law or something else, and if it does what does it reflect?  What insights can I gain from this accident? Favorite maxims of Epictetus and Pasteur echoed in my head:
“On the occasion of every accident that befalls you, remember to turn to yourself and inquire what power you have to turn it to use” and “Chance favors only the prepared mind.”
<center>[[File:Montante_plot2.png | 500px]]</center>
My “prepared” mind searched for answers, leading me down varied learning paths. Tapping the power of networks, I dropped a note to Chance News editor Bill Peterson. His quick web search surfaced a story from ''Nature News'' on research by Hans Herrmann, et. al. [ Shattered eggs reveal secrets of explosions].  As described there, researchers have found power-law relationships for the fragments produced by shattering a pane of glass or breaking a solid object, such as a stone. Seems there is a science underpinning how things break and explode; potentially useful in Forensic reconstructions.
Bill also provided a link to [ a vignette from CRAN] describing a maximum likelihood procedure for fitting a Power Law relationship. I am now learning my way through that.
Submitted by William Montante

Latest revision as of 20:58, 17 July 2019



“We know that people tend to overestimate the frequency of well-publicized, spectacular events compared with more commonplace ones; this is a well-understood phenomenon in the literature of risk assessment and leads to the truism that when statistics plays folklore, folklore always wins in a rout.”

-- Donald Kennedy (former president of Stanford University), Academic Duty, Harvard University Press, 1997, p.17

"Using scientific language and measurement doesn’t prevent a researcher from conducting flawed experiments and drawing wrong conclusions — especially when they confirm preconceptions."

-- Blaise Agüera y Arcas, Margaret Mitchell and Alexander Todoorov, quoted in: The racist history behind facial recognition, New York Times, 10 July 2019

In progress

What if the Placebo Effect Isn’t a Trick?
by Gary Greenberg, New York Times Magazine, 7 November 2018

The Problems With Risk Assessment Tools
by Chelsea Barabas, Karthik Dinakar and Colin Doyle, New York Times, 17 July 2019

Hurricane Maria deaths

Laura Kapitula sent the following to the Isolated Statisticians e-mail list:

[Why counting casualties after a hurricane is so hard]
by Jo Craven McGinty, Wall Street Journal, 7 September 2018

The article is subtitled: Indirect deaths—such as those caused by gaps in medication—can occur months after a storm, complicating tallies

Laura noted that

Did 4,645 people die in Hurricane Maria? Nope.
by Glenn Kessler, Washington Post, 1 June 2018

The source of the 4645 figure is a NEJM article. Point estimate, the 95% confidence interval ran from 793 to 8498.

President Trump has asserted that the actual number is 6 to 18. The Post article notes that Puerto Rican official had asked researchers at George Washington University to do an estimate of the death toll. That work is not complete. George Washington University study

We sttill don’t know how many people died because of Katrina
by Carl Bialik, FiveThirtyEight, 26 August 2015

These 3 Hurricane Misconceptions Can Be Dangerous. Scientists Want to Clear Them Up.
Misinterpretations of the “Cone of Uncertainty” in Florida during the 2004 Hurricane Season
Definition of the NHC Track Forecast Cone

Remember when a glass of wine a day was good for you? Here's why that changed. Popular Science, 10 September 2018

Googling the news
Economist, 1 September 2018

We sat in on an internal Google meeting where they talked about changing the search algorithm — here's what we learned

Reading , Writing and Risk Literacy


Today is the deadliest day of the year for car wrecks in the U.S.

Some math doodles

<math>P \left({A_1 \cup A_2}\right) = P\left({A_1}\right) + P\left({A_2}\right) -P \left({A_1 \cap A_2}\right)</math>

<math>P(E) = {n \choose k} p^k (1-p)^{ n-k}</math>



Accidental insights

My collective understanding of Power Laws would fit beneath the shallow end of the long tail. Curiosity, however, easily fills the fat end. I long have been intrigued by the concept and the surprisingly common appearance of power laws in varied natural, social and organizational dynamics. But, am I just seeing a statistical novelty or is there meaning and utility in Power Law relationships? Here’s a case in point.

While carrying a pair of 10 lb. hand weights one, by chance, slipped from my grasp and fell onto a piece of ceramic tile I had left on the carpeted floor. The fractured tile was inconsequential, meant for the trash.


As I stared, slightly annoyed, at the mess, a favorite maxim of the Greek philosopher, Epictetus, came to mind: “On the occasion of every accident that befalls you, turn to yourself and ask what power you have to put it to use.” Could this array of large and small polygons form a Power Law? With curiosity piqued, I collected all the fragments and measured the area of each piece.

Piece Sq. Inches % of Total
1 43.25 31.9%
2 35.25 26.0%
3 23.25 17.2%
4 14.10 10.4%
5 7.10 5.2%
6 4.70 3.5%
7 3.60 2.7%
8 3.03 2.2%
9 0.66 0.5%
10 0.61 0.5%
Montante plot1.png

The data and plot look like a Power Law distribution. The first plot is an exponential fit of percent total area. The second plot is same data on a log normal format. Clue: Ok, data fits a straight line. I found myself again in the shallow end of the knowledge curve. Does the data reflect a Power Law or something else, and if it does what does it reflect? What insights can I gain from this accident? Favorite maxims of Epictetus and Pasteur echoed in my head: “On the occasion of every accident that befalls you, remember to turn to yourself and inquire what power you have to turn it to use” and “Chance favors only the prepared mind.”

Montante plot2.png

My “prepared” mind searched for answers, leading me down varied learning paths. Tapping the power of networks, I dropped a note to Chance News editor Bill Peterson. His quick web search surfaced a story from Nature News on research by Hans Herrmann, et. al. Shattered eggs reveal secrets of explosions. As described there, researchers have found power-law relationships for the fragments produced by shattering a pane of glass or breaking a solid object, such as a stone. Seems there is a science underpinning how things break and explode; potentially useful in Forensic reconstructions. Bill also provided a link to a vignette from CRAN describing a maximum likelihood procedure for fitting a Power Law relationship. I am now learning my way through that.

Submitted by William Montante