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Learning to Visualize Data through the #TidyTuesday Challenge

Presented by:
Erin Franke (Macalester College)

Data visualization is a skill that is becoming increasing critical as data becomes more widely available in today's society. Whether it be for COVID -19 cases, political races, or something fun like lemurs, data visualization can help reveal patterns and trends that otherwise might not have been noticed. This project seeks to show my evolution and growth of learning to manipulate and understand data in R through the #TidyTuesday Challenge, which releases a new data set each week that you formulate a question for and answer with a visualization. Through my #TidyTuesday attempts, I applied new techniques I learned related to both type of visualization (bar charts, overlaid density plots, maps, animations, etc) as well and aesthetics. I hope sharing this can inspire others to pursue and learn to love the challenge of visualizing data as much I do!