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Who is the NBA GOAT (Greatest of All Time)? Using Culturally Relevant Data to Teach ANOVA

Presented by:
Danielle Sisso (Cal Poly - San Louis Obispo)

This paper provides introductory statistics instructors the capacity to use culturally relevant data within a web application to either strengthen students' understanding or introduce the concept of variance and One-Way ANOVA. Using culturally relevant data within the classroom provides context to data that students deem important to their lives. This paper not only provides a lesson plan for teaching these concepts but also provide a web application and the culturally relevant data set if the instructor decides to use the app or the data in another context. The culturally relevant data selected here is NBA data, focusing on the debate "who is the greatest NBA player of all time?" By using a context students are familiar with and interested in, we are able to get them interested in statistics.