Author Archives: Jane Watson

About Jane Watson

Jane Watson is Professor Emerita in the Faculty of Education at the University of Tasmania, Australia, where she carries out research, mainly in the area of Statistics Education.

Introducing resampling in Grade 10 in Tasmania, Australia

Jane_Watson_Dec22_2015 (1)Jane Watson, University of Tasmania

I am a statistics educator in the Australian state of Tasmania. Recently I collaborated with a Grade 10 math teacher on a unit on statistics and probability to challenge her advanced mathematics class. The students’ backgrounds were traditional and procedural. There were eight extended lessons of 1½ hours using the TinkerPlots software.

[pullquote]…we gave students a variation on the famous Hospital problem: “Ted and Jed are each tossing a fair coin.  Ted tosses his 10 times and Jed tosses his 30 times. Which one of them is more likely to get more than 60% heads or do they have the same chance?” Almost unanimously they said, “the same of course.”[/pullquote]

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