Instructions for Power Applets
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- To start, press the Draw! button.
- The applet will draw three curves representing three different sample sizes: n1, n1-4, and n1+4.
- The curves in the lower pane represent the densities under the null (top) and alternative (bottom) hypothesis.
- The area shaded in GREEN is the Type I error rate (
- The area shaded in BLUE is Power.
- Placing the mouse pointer over the applet creates crosshairs on one of the curves.
- Moving the mouse traces the path of the curve for different values of Delta.
- To freeze the crosshairs, simply single-click on the applet.
- To move to the next curve, simply double-click on the applet.
- To remove the crosshair entirely, unselect the Crosshairs checkbox.
- Two-Sample:
%n1 represents the proportion n2 (the second sample size) as a proportion of n1 (e.g. %n1=100 implies equal sample size; %n1=50 implies n2 is half of n1.)
- Proportions:
For the one-sample test when n < 41 the two densities in the lower pane are overlaid with the theoretical binomial distributions.
- T-test:
For the two-sample case, choosing Unequal Variances uses the Satterthwaite approximation for degrees of freedom.
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