Instructions for Probability Density Applets

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  Default Settings Bounds
Density Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 1 Parameter 2
Binomial n = 1 pi = 0.01 1 < n < 25 0 < pi < 1
Poisson lambda = 1 N/A 1 < lambda < 25 N/A
Neg. Binomial r = 10 pi= 0.5 1 < r < 25 0 < pi < 1
Geometric pi= 0.5 N/A 0 < pi < 1 N/A
T df = 1 N/A df > 0 N/A
Chi-squared df = 1 N/A df > 0 N/A
Gamma alpha = 1 beta = 1 alpha > 0 beta > 0
Weibull alpha = 1 beta = 1 alpha > 0 beta > 0
Log-normal mu = 0 sigma = 0.04 N/A sigma > 0
Beta a = 1 b = 1 a > 0 b > 0
Gamma alpha = 1 beta = 1 alpha > 0 beta > 0
F df1 = 1 df2 = 1 1 < df1 < 25 1 < df2 < 25

For each Applet the parameters can be changed by two methods. Either use the scrollbar or enter a number into the text field and press the Update button.

The parameters are all bounded as indicated by the table above. Errors will be displayed for parameters outside these values.

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