Daniel Kaplan & Nicholas Horton
USCOTS May 16, 2013
Project MOSAIC with support from NSF DUE-0920350
Arithmetic became part of the university curriculum in medieval times: the “Quadrivium”
Now it's elementary
Draw a star by points you agree with and an X through points you disagree with
Feel free to list other trends you think are important and should inform the design of statistics education
Talk to your neighbors!
If we are not the agents of change, who will be?
[Source: Introduction to the Practice of Statistics (Moore, McCabe and Craig)]
[Source: Introduction to the Practice of Statistics (Moore, McCabe and Craig)]
Share this with your neighbors!
[Source: GAISE K-12 Report]
[Source: Chris Wild, USCOTS 2009]
It's right, but does it paralyze us (and our students)?
The statistician who supposes that his main contribution to the planning of an experiment will involve statistical theory, finds repeatedly that he makes his most valuable contribution simply by persuading the investigator to explain why he wishes to do the experiment. — Gertrude Cox
Even when you do an experiment, you may want to use covariates.
Especially because experiments are generally not perfect.
Nobody believes a theory, except the person who made it. Everybody believes an experiment, except the person who made it. — Albert Einstein
From http://XKCD.com/552
But how many take Stat 2?
Look what happened with Calculus
The “Directed Acyclic Graph”
[source: Introduction to the Practice of Statistics (Moore, McCabe and Craig)]
We need a new source of inspiration and guidance
Originated as the study of the spread of disease: epidemics.
Much more broadly construed now:
Decisions need to be made
Succeeded Fisher as president of the Royal Society
“[I]n passing from association to causation I believe in 'real life' we shall have to consider what flows from that decision. … In asking for very strong evidence I would, however, repeat emphatically that this does not imply crossing every t', and swords with every critic, before we act.” AB Hill,
“[T]he glitter of the t table diverts attention from the inadequacies of the fare.” — AB Hill
“The environment and disease: association or causation?” (1965) Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine 58:295-300 link
A Daily Habit Of Green Tea Or Coffee Cuts Stroke Risk
by Allison Aubrey, NPR - March 15, 2013
A daily habit of coffee or tea drinking cuts the risk of stroke by 20%, according to a report in the American Heart Association journal Stroke.
… recent studies have linked a regular coffee habit to a range of benefits — from a reduced risk of Type 2 diabetes to a protective effect against Parkinson's disease.
It's interesting to note how much the thinking about caffeine and coffee has changed.
In the 1980s, surveys found that many Americans were trying to avoid it; caffeine was thought to be harmful, even at moderate doses.
One reason? Meir Stampfer of the Harvard School of Public Health says back then, coffee drinkers also tended to be heavy smokers. And in early studies, it was very tough to disentangle the two habits.
“So it made coffee look bad in terms of health outcomes,” says Stampfer.
But as newer studies began to separate out the effects of coffee and tea, a new picture emerged suggesting benefits, not risks.
Researchers say there's still a lot to learn here — they haven't nailed down all the mechanisms by which coffee and tea influence our health. Nor have they ruled out that it may be other lifestyle habits among coffee and tea drinkers that's leading to the reduced risk of disease.
[Source: 2011 Form B AP Statistics exam]
There is one letter different between H\( _0 \) and H\( _a \)
Is there an association between average teacher salaries and average SAT scores at the state level (Guber, JSE, 1999)?
> summary(lm(sat ~ salary, data=SAT))
Estimate Std. Error p-value
(Intercept) 1158.86 57.66 <0.0001
salary -5.54 1.63 0.0014
What should the advisory board conclude?
Estimate Std. Error p-value
(Intercept) 987.900 31.877 <0.0001
salary 2.180 1.029 0.039
frac -2.779 0.228 <0.0001
Conclusion: A somewhat positive relationship of SAT scores with teacher salary (after controlling for fraction taking the SAT)
Estimate | Std. Error | t value | Pr(> |t|) | |
(Intercept) | 993.8317 | 21.8332 | 45.52 | 0.0000 |
expend | 12.2865 | 4.2243 | 2.91 | 0.0055 |
frac | -2.8509 | 0.2151 | -13.25 | 0.0000 |
Central Question: Which covariates to include in a model?
An NSF supported collaboration to increase connections among
Will this become an iconic image of change in statistics education?
An emphasis on decision-making