Hi everyone,


Please find information below about an event affiliated with ACM Special Interest Group on Management of Data (SIGMOD). 


They specifically seek to bring together complementary perspectives from “DB and CS Education communities, and adjacent communities, e.g., in Statistics Education.”  The DataEd workshop is a dedicated venue for these communities to come together, for presentation and discussion of data management systems education experiences and research.


The event is June 23rd in Seattle WA (website: https://dataedinitiative.github.io/DataEd23/ )

I’ll add that although it’s called a “workshop” in the announcement, the event is akin to an education-oriented satellite conference of the larger ACM SIGMOD/PODS Conference in the vernacular of ASA/CAUSE/IASE statistics conferences.   



I’ve cc’ed a shared Gmail inbox for the event organizers if you would like to follow up after reviewing the event information below and on the website.


All the best,






Matthew Beckman
Associate Research Professor | Penn State University
co-Associate Director for Research | CAUSE (www.causeweb.org)











Call for submissions



DataEd 2023 



International workshop on data systems education






In conjunction with SIGMOD/PODS 2023.



Friday June 23, Seattle, WA, USA.






Workshop website:












*** Focus and purpose of DataEd 2023 ***






Data systems education is foundational in a variety of programs such as computer science, data science, and information systems and science. And, indeed, data management concepts are both timely and timeless in our increasingly data-driven world.  A continual focus since the 1970’s in the database research community is the place in curricula and best practices for teaching data systems concepts. This important conversation is particularly lively in recent years given the rise of data science. There is also a long tradition in the Computer Science Education research community on investigations into how students learn data systems concepts. With the increasing focus on data in the past decade, there is renewed focus on data systems in education research.






Both the DB and CS Education communities, and adjacent communities, e.g., in Statistics Education,  have complementary perspectives and experiences to share with each other.   There is much to be gained by bringing the communities more closely together: to share findings, to cross-pollinate perspectives and methods, and to shed light on opportunities for mutual progress in data systems education. The DataEd workshop is a dedicated venue for these communities to come together, for presentation and discussion of data management systems education experiences and research.






This is the second edition of DataEd, building on the success of DataEd 2022 at SIGMOD/PODS 2022.  The proceedings of the first edition can be found at https://dl.acm.org/doi/proceedings/10.1145/3531072






*** Submissions ***






Contributions are welcome in the broad area of data systems education: the teaching and learning of databases/data management/data systems topics, ranging across the whole field, from classical topics (such as physical design, query optimization, data modeling, data integration, visual analytics, and query languages) to contemporary topics (such as ML & AI for data management systems, data management for ML & AI, very large data science applications/pipelines, and responsible data management).






The workshop solicits three kinds of submissions: Research and Research Proposal Papers, Experience Reports, and Artefact Papers. Contributions of all types should be up to 5 pages in length (excluding references, which have no page limit) in the standard ACM Proceedings Format, with shorter submissions (2 pages in length) being encouraged. 






Paper submissions are due by the end of March 1, 2023 (AoE).  Pending approval, all papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library.  Further details can be found on the DataEd 2023 website.






*** Format of the Workshop ***






DataEd 2023 will be a full day workshop held on Friday 23 June consisting of keynote talks, paper presentations & discussion, and a poster social session.   We are thrilled to already announce our first keynote speaker Sourav Bhowmick (Nanyang Technological University)!  






*** Organizers ***






Fenia Aivaloglou, Delft University of Technology.



George Fletcher, Eindhoven University of Technology.



Daphne Miedema, Eindhoven University of Technology.






*** Advisory Board ***






Michelle Hoda Wilkerson, University of California, Berkeley.



Zachary Ives, University of Pennsylvania.



Shriram Krishnamurthi, Brown University.



Juan Sequeda, data.world.



Julia Stoyanovich, NYU.






For further details, please see the DataEd website at






or contact the organisers at





