The CAUSE Cartoon Caption Contest for December is now taking entries

The Consortium for the Advancement of Undergraduate Statistics Education is happy to announce our 19th Cartoon Caption Contest.  Each month a cartoon, drawn by British cartoonist John Landers, will be posted for you and your students to suggest statistical captions.  (note the cartoons are posted at the beginning of the previous month and submissions are due at the end of the month)

The next cartoon and the entry rules for the contest ending December 31st are at
The best captions will be posted on CAUSEweb and the winner(s) will receive their choice of a coffee mug or t-shirt imprinted with the cartoon or free registration to eCOTS 2018.


November Results:  The November caption contest featured a cartoon showing an electricity failure at night after a storm near the “Institute of Clinical Statistics.”  The winning caption for the November contest was “We were unable to reach significance due to insufficient power,” written by John Dawson from Texas Tech University.  Greg’s caption provided a nice avenue for facilitating discussions of power in significance testing.  An honorable mention also goes to “Clinical Statisticians Are Terrified of Lurking Variables In the Dark,” written by Joy Xiong, a student at Strath Haven High School.  Another honorable mention goes to “This is not what was meant when we said the results would be more shocking if the study was blinded,” written by Matt Rissler from Loras College.  

Thanks to everyone who submitted a caption and congratulations to our Winners!