There’s still time to submit a proposal to share your stats and data science education ideas at USCOTS 2021, which will be held virtually June 28 - July 1, with pre-conference workshops starting on June 24.  Here are links for more information and to submit a proposal: 

The deadlines are:

·       February 1, 2021 for proposing a pre-conference workshop

·       February 1, 2021 for proposing a breakout session

·       March 11, 2021 for proposing a “posters and beyond” contribution, if you would like to receive formative feedback before your final submission

·       April 22, 2021 for final submission of proposals for a “posters and beyond” contribution, whether or not you submitted a version earlier for feedback

·       May 31, 2021 for proposing a “birds of a feather” discussion


The full Call for Proposals can be found below.


We are also very excited to announce the keynote speakers who will present their own innovative and thought-provoking takes on “Expanding Opportunities” in statistics:


Monday: Rebecca Nugent (Carnegie Mellon University)

Tuesday Panel: Felicia Simpson (Winston-Salem State University), Jacqueline Hughes-Oliver (North Carolina State University), Jamylle Carter (Diablo Valley College), Prince Afriyie (University of Virginia), Samuel Echevarria-Cruz (Austin Community College)

Wednesday: Catherine D'Ignazio (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and Lauren Klein (Emory University)

Thursday: Alana Unfried (California State University - Monterey Bay)


As always, please reach out to program co-chairs Allan Rossman ( or Kelly McConville (, or to CAUSE director Dennis Pearl ( with any questions you may have!


USCOTS 2021 Call for Proposals


The U.S. Conference on Teaching Statistics (USCOTS) will be held virtually June 28 - July 1, 2021, with pre-conference workshops starting on June 24.  This conference provides a welcoming and engaging (perhaps even fun!) environment in which teachers can exchange ideas and motivate each other to improve their teaching of statistics.  The conference features thought-provoking plenary sessions, interactive breakout sessions, informative posters-and-beyond sessions, and opening and closing sessions with inspiring and lively five-minute presentations. Other highlights include birds-of-a-feather discussions, a speed mentoring session, an awards ceremony, extensive pre-conference workshops, and exhibitor technology demonstrations.

The USCOTS theme for 2021 is "Expanding Opportunities."  Sessions will explore many aspects of this theme, including strategies for increasing participation and achievement in the study of statistics for students from underrepresented groups, supporting and encouraging students and colleagues who are beginning or contemplating careers in statistics education, and leveraging the emerging discipline of data science to democratize opportunities for students from all backgrounds. 

USCOTS has been held in odd-numbered years since 2005.  This will be the first USCOTS to be held virtually.  We hope to reproduce the welcoming, engaging, interactive, and fun aspects of USCOTS as much as possible in a virtual setting.

Please plan to attend USCOTS 2021, and also help with expanding opportunities by spreading the word to colleagues who might not have considered USCOTS before.  Even better, please consider submitting a proposal for an interactive breakout session, pre-conference workshop, “posters and beyond” contribution, or “birds of a feather” discussion topic.  Deadlines are:

·       February 1, 2021 for proposing a pre-conference workshop

·       February 1, 2021 for proposing a breakout session

·       March 11, 2021 for proposing a “posters and beyond” contribution, if you would like to receive formative feedback before your final submission

·       April 22, 2021 for final submission of proposals for a “posters and beyond” contribution, whether or not you submitted a version earlier for feedback

·       May 31, 2021 for proposing a “birds of a feather” discussion

You can find more information about the conference and proposal submission links here: 

Please address questions to program co-chairs Allan Rossman ( or Kelly McConville (, or to CAUSE director Dennis Pearl (




Allan J. Rossman

Professor of Statistics

Cal Poly

San Luis Obispo CA 93407