The Consortium for the Advancement of Undergraduate Statistics Education is happy to announce our 79th Cartoon Caption Contest!  Each month a cartoon, drawn by British cartoonist John Landers, is posted for you and your students to suggest statistical captions (cartoons are posted at the beginning of the month and submissions are due at the end of the month).  The caption contest is offered as a fun way to get your students thinking independently about statistical concepts.  


The next cartoon and the entry rules for the contest ending December 31 are at 


The best submission will be posted on CAUSEweb and the winner(s) will receive their choice of a coffee mug or t-shirt imprinted with the final cartoon. 



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November Results:    


The November caption contest cartoon is shown here. The judges found the winning caption to be Keep cooking those numbers. Something useful is bound to pop out!," written by Kim Bennett, from Georgia State University.  Kims caption can be used in a discussion about ethical guidelines in reporting data and the importance of avoiding manipulations that represent what we hope to show while hiding opposing results also seen in the data. An honorable mention this month goes to Jim Alloway of EMSQ Associates for his caption, Revealing the information in the numbers isn’t magic; your team has to invest energy and stir up the numbers to capture it.  Jim’s caption focuses on teaching about revelations in the data that might come from a teamwork approach of statisticians and content experts.   


Thanks to everyone who submitted a caption and congratulations to our winners!