To help build our collection of resources for instructors and encourage the statistics education community to share their creativity, CAUSE sponsors a number of contests.  

  1. The CAUSE cartoon caption contest runs monthly with submissions due on the last day of the month.  Try your hand and ask your students to create a caption for this month's cartoon at
  2. The SPARKS collection of very short videos (10 to 20 seconds) encourages entries on an on-going basis.  If your video is selected to be added to the SPARKS collection you will be awarded a free registration to the next eCOTS.
  3. The Stats+Stories lesson plan contest is now taking submissions. See ($1000 in prizes and the opportunity to present your lesson plan using Stats+Stories materials at the next eCOTS with entries due by New Year's Day).  While you're thinking about Stats+Stories, there's still a few days left to vote in their data visualization contest at
  4. The USPROC undergraduate research competition, jointly sponsored by the ASA, is a great way to bring national attention to your students' work and takes entries twice a year (
  5. The A-mu-sing competition seeking edutainment resources runs every-other year with prizes totaling $1000 and the opportunity to present your work at the USCOTS banquet.