Hello everyone,


We are delighted to announce the winners of the Undergraduate Statistics Project Competition (USPROC) Fall 2022 submission cycle!  


USPROC includes the Undergraduate Statistics Class Project (USCLAP) competition which has introductory and intermediate categories, and an Undergraduate Statistics Research Project (USRESP) competition. The winners of the competitions and links to their projects may be found at the sites below:


Congratulations to all student winners and their faculty mentors!


Please encourage students to submit their class projects, capstone projects, and independent research projects for our next cycle (Deadline: Friday, June 23, 2023). Winners receive cash prizes and have the opportunity to present at the Electronic Undergraduate Statistics Research Conference (eUSR)!  Learn more about USPROC at


If you are interested in serving as a judge for the next cycle, please sign up here: https://forms.gle/fyw2qmj2BiiJpB4C7




Jennifer Ward, Juanjuan Fan, Maria Tackett

USPROC Co-Chairs