A curriculum framework for pre-K-12 statistics education

Franklin, C., Kader, G., Mewborn, D., Moreno, J., Peck, R., Perry, M., & Schaeffer, R.

Statistical literacy is essential in our personal lives as consumers, citizens and professionals. Statistics plays a role in our health and happiness. Sound statistical reasoning skills take a long time to develop. They cannot be honed to the level needed in the modern world through one high school course. The surest way to reach the necessary skill level is to begin the educational process in the elementary grades and keep strengthening and expanding these skills throughout the middle and high school years. A statistically literate high school graduate will know how to interpret the data in the morning newspaper and will ask the right questions about statistical claims. He or she will be comfortable handling quantitative decisions that come up on the job, and will be able to make informed decision about quality of life issues.<br><br>The remainder of this document lays out a framework for educational programs designed to help students achieve this noble end.

The CAUSE Research Group is supported in part by a member initiative grant from the American Statistical Association’s Section on Statistics and Data Science Education